Meet The Team

Hey, I’m Sue and I’m so happy you’ve discovered my blog. I hope you stay awhile!

I love expressing my personal style with colourful handmade clothing. I’ve been sewing since I was a kiddo and I still get giddy when I turn out a well finished garment that reflects my personality.

I sew the big four pattern companies, a few Indie lines, and Burda. I often put my own spin on a pattern, tweaking the design or using unexpected fabrics. I try to demonstrate that little things really can make a big difference!

I create as I sew, and I often get myself into a muck in the process. I stamp my tiny feet and question why I torment myself with this need to make a perfectly functional pattern more difficult. The answer always seems to be that I simply must add my individual voice to my craft. This is what I want for you too….that you leave my blog feeling inspired and excited to create something that comes from your heart.


This is Glen. Husband. Photographer. IT Wizard.

If I’m in the photos, Glen is behind the camera. He didn’t seek out this unpaid, on demand, erratic job. It’s not an easy gig…photographing me. As soon as the camera points my way, every insecurity comes out….I want to magically look taller, slimmer and more photogenic.

In addition to being my one man paparazzi, G helps with tech problems. Beginning this blog was a steep learning curve for me, even with the support of Blogger, and an invaluable night school class. But, I did do it. When I decided to move to a self-hosted platform, it was with Glen’s encouragement and his solid IT knowledge. There’s no doubt…the move would not have happened otherwise.



This is Samson.

His peaceful energy fills my sewing space. He naps in a nearby basket while I sew. The wicker makes little creaking sounds when he shifts and reminds me that I have company. Sewing is a solitary pursuit. With Sam around, I’m never alone and I never feel like I’m talking to myself.





And this is Mia.

She is spunky and unafraid to remind me of her dinner time. I could easily sew until that moment…you know….the one where you make a massive mistake because you’re too tired and should have stopped sewing hours earlier. Lucky for me, Mia is a clock watcher. She likes her meals in a timely fashion and as a result, saves me from many errors.