Les Jean Blancs…
{Turquoise T Joe Fresh, Joe Fresh at Superstore Blazer thrifted Jeans Pure by Alfred Sung via Zellers, also seen here Purse & Shoes thrifted, also seen here Scarf thrifted Suede & Beaded Bracelets Moi Metal Painted Kitty Pin Artist Unknown} |
Yes, it’s October, and yes I’m wearing white jeans. I garnered inspiration from this post over on The Vivienne Files Blogspot. In a nutshell, chic Parisian women are wearing white jeans. Now I may not be chic, but I’m embracing the look just the same. I’m curious. Are you wearing white jeans this fall?
And, because I would like to elevate the educational factor of this little blog to unprecedented levels, I will share a nearly useless bit of information with you. Did you know that denim gets it’s name from the French city of Nîmes {de Nîmes}?
And, because I would like to elevate the educational factor of this little blog to unprecedented levels, I will share a nearly useless bit of information with you. Did you know that denim gets it’s name from the French city of Nîmes {de Nîmes}?
I love that you have stepped beyond the white rule. Very lovely and lively pics of you my dear. Very Pariesienne.
Voila, voila,
you make us all feel frumpy!! love it although you look a bit chilly.
Thanks Shirl
Not cold, but my hands were in my pockets because my nail polish didn't match, LOL. My bad.
Beautiful outfit. I will probably wear my white jeans all year long, just maybe a bit less frequently in the fall/winter months. I think they look great paired with a blazer, cozy sweaters and scarves.
Hi Lisa, Oh that does sound nice! One thing I have not yet tried, is wearing my white jeans with footwear more suited to winter ie booties or riding boots. It will be fun to try those with your suggested items.
I will be wearing white , I don't think that old rule applies anymore , Which I am happy about. That jacket looks great. Thanks for stopping by.
Living in Southern California, white jeans are the mainstay in my wardrobe. I am traveling to Paris in a couple of weeks…so glad to hear I can bring my jeans!
Your pictures are so beautiful!
i just read your about…I must say I am so very intrigued!
I truly admire the fresh citrusy colors you have put together. But wear white jeans…never. I am too much like Charlie Brown's friend Pigpen for that to work well!
What a neat jnfo! I didn't know That
I love the white jeans
You know what as far as i am concern there are no rules!
You should wear what makes you happy , That should be the only rule!
There are rules???
Tamera, You have an innate sense of style already!
Not any more!
As a matter of fact – I'm sitting in a pair of white jeans right this minute! Love them. Got my burgundy boots on with them though, so not quite as chic as you! You are so lovely!
Burgundy boots with white jeans sound so tres chic! They say oxblood is very on trend this autumn. I would say burgundy fits right in with that.