Craftsy, Design Your Own Handbag


A Colourful Canvas, Dressing Your Truth Type One, Design Your Own Handbag

A Colourful Canvas, Dressing Your Truth Type One, Design Your Own Handbag
A Colourful Canvas, Dressing Your Truth Type One, Design Your Own Handbag
A Colourful Canvas, Dressing Your Truth Type One, Design Your Own Handbag

(My DYT Type One Style  Denim Skirt  Esprit, on clearance at Zeller’s for $5.00
Cream Sweater  thrifted, and last seen here
Blue Gingham Shirt  American Eagle thrifted, and last seen here
Minnetonka Boots  Winners and last seen here…so thrilled to be wearing them again!
Wool Felt Hat  thrifted
Tote  Made By Me
Kitty Pin  a gift from the Mister!}

Hello my friends.   Things going smoothly?  I ask because we are about halfway through a Mercury retrograde.  What is a Mercury retrograde you ask?  Every so often the planet Mercury gives the illusion of standing still or going backwards.  If you are scientifically inclined, you can read more about it here on Wikipedia.  In astrology, Mercury rules travel and communication and when he goes retro, expect hiccups in your travel plans, lost emails or other computer glitches…which brings me to the point of my ramble.  I signed into my account the other day and I seem to have lost an entire side of the family!  Yikes!  Will they miraculously turn up again after the 10th of November?  Highly unlikely.  Nope…I’m sure to be sifting through the generations again, re-entering data on my father’s side.  {Sigh}  I’m not that disciplined when it comes to details and dates; it’s easy for me to unintentionally add the wrong mister as my grandad or to attach a record for someone else’s great aunty to my own family tree.  To be safe,  I’ll be waiting until mid November before tackling the task…and I’ll be saving a draft of it for good measure. Okay, where was I?  Oh yes, Mercury retrograde…it’s best to wait out buying either a new car or a computer, {remember Mercury rules travel and communication}, and delay signing contracts if you can.   All’s not bad though.  Mercury retrograde is a good time to tie up loose ends and finish unfinished projects.  {Ahem, as in garden clean-up Sue!….sorry, just a reminder to myself there.}  

Some may remember the tote I sewed for the Super Online Sewing Bee.  I very much enjoyed the design process for that tote…choosing fabric, trims, hardware, and tweaking the shape…all things creative that truly made the bag my own.  Having said that, I did have challenges with the actual construction of that particular tote.  Having had such a positive experience with for my first SOSB challenge, I decided to sign up for Craftsy’s Design Your Own Handbag course with Brett Bara.  This class did not disappoint!  In fact, it surpassed my expectations.   Brett really knows her stuff, and she relays information clearly and with ease.  The tote I’m toting today is a result of the class.  This time round, I intentionally kept my design simple.  The bag is made out of upholstery weight cotton and brown vinyl, and lined with fabric left over from the Mister’s Negroni shirt.  The lining has two pockets, and I also added a zippered pocket to the outside of the tote {not visible in photos}.  It’s no secret…I’ve long held a passion for handbags…and now that I have the tools to create some really interesting designs of my own…well, I can totally see myself getting lost down rabbit hole #2365 otherwise known as handbag heaven.   

My outfit. With weather tiptoeing ever so graciously toward winter…sweaters, denim, and a felt wool hat sing sweet November to me!  

With thanks to Ariane of Style Sud-Est, I have entered a contest for best Canadian blogger.  I submitted in the Home Design/DIY/craft category with Fashion as an alternate.  Although the category title doesn’t actually say sewing, I thought it might be a good fit for this random little blog.  If your finger feels like talking, you can click on the link below to vote for me.  Ariane and Melanie of Bag and a Beret are both vying for the coveted fashion spot, so please do cast a vote for your favourite Canadian fashion blogger while you’re there.

Have a super, fabulous day!  I don’t say it often enough, but thanks ever so much for reading and commenting.  You brighten my days immensely!
Linking up with:
Patti of Not Dead Yet Style for Visible MondayJudith of Style Crone for Hat Attack Sara from Sew Sweetness for Purse PaloozaElle of Living in Color Style for Spotlight Weekly Link UpRenae of Simple Sequins for Fashion Item FridayHeather of Feather’s Flights for You Flew Tuesday


  • Reply Lisa November 1, 2013 at 8:01 pm

    You look soooo cute and definitely ready for November. I love and button down under a cozy sweater. You're tote is absolutely amazing! LOVE it! If I knew how to make this and had the patience I'd be down the rabbit hole with this one too. ha

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:21 pm

      Hi Lisa! Similar weather patterns for us both…you've probably got the rain now too…If you have a sewing machine, you can sew a tote…especially with the guidance of the course I took. 😉

  • Reply amy mayen November 1, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    I voted and tweeted & plussed! I love your bag so much! That fabric with the leather accents is fab. Not sure why I can't get into sewing them.

    My friend is having a bag sew along. Her name is Angela, she's really sweet. she's the only sewing blogger I've ever met in real life:) I don't want to get you spammed by leaving a hyperlink, but it's sewingwithsqueak dot blogspot .com. She specializes in bags and quilts, 2 things I can't do. Seems like you can do it all Sue!!

    I agree, your outfit screams fall. Cozy, comfy, cute. I've been back in my cowgirl boots and it feels nice:) love your boots too btw!

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:20 pm

      Thank you Amy! You're probably not into sewing bags because of those adorable kiddies at your feet…although Bella is getting tall, isn't she! Thanks for telling me about Angela…I'm off to visit!

  • Reply sabine November 1, 2013 at 11:44 pm

    Hello Sue,
    I am glad to see that November for you is not a grey and drap time. Maritime blue and white also in fall are good options. I love your look with this cute tiny hat. And of course your tote!
    I hope Mercury's influence is not so strong here. I'll start a trip to Tehran on Monday, hiccups are not appreciated.
    Hugs Sabine

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:18 pm

      ….raining cats and dogs today, and could very well do so until May, LOL. Thanks for popping by Sabine! Have the best of time on your trip! Being aware of the potential for hiccups doesn't mean they will happen. Hold the intention that your travel plans will be without delays, but maybe leave for the airport just a little bit early to be sure!

  • Reply Flo November 2, 2013 at 3:32 am

    Cute outfit and the bag is fantastic! I need to unbury my sewing machine and work on some projects for Christmas gifts.

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:15 pm

      Yes! Now that your time is your own again…Sew! I still remember that cute tote you featured, that really got me thinking of the cute things one can do! Thanks for that Flo!

  • Reply Val Sparkle November 2, 2013 at 6:58 am

    Heck, yes, I voted for you! You should also win in the brightest smile category.

    Love the tote, and you are so lucky to be able to make your own bags. But I have to say, the hat is my favorite part of that outfit.

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:14 pm

      Thanks Val! Yeah, it started out as a hat post, as I wanted to join Judith's hat attack, but then I made the bag, and wanted to share the bag….yada, yada…

  • Reply Vix November 2, 2013 at 8:39 am

    That tote is gorgeous and you look wonderful in your hat! I still haven't decided what to wear tomorrow but I think you've inspired me to curl my hair – jealous of yours! x

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:13 pm

      There are some days when I'm still learning to love my curls! I do have a flat iron stored away in the recesses of my bathroom cabinet as proof! Thanks for stopping by Vix!

  • Reply Suzanne Carillo Style Files November 2, 2013 at 8:46 am

    Love that tote and that kitty on your chest : )

    Voted for you!

    No wonder I can't get my act together. I'm blaming the entire mess on Mercury. My husband hasn't heard that one before.


  • Reply Jan Graham-McMillen November 2, 2013 at 9:33 am

    You are freaking amazing!!!! So is your astonishing little bag , and you look adorable with it. How does it feel to be so talented and still be an all-around-adorable-sort of girl at the same time? We're not worthy!
    I SOOOOO know what you mean about the Mercury Retrograde. This has been one of our roughest ever … the plumbing was just one element. Communication generally is a problematic issue for us during this time, but knowing (like G.I. Joe says) is half the battle. This time has been mechanical, mostly. Alicia (Spashionista) pointed out that we're also at the end of a Uranus Retrograde. I actually think that that was more of a help than a hindrance for me, as an Aquarius. I'm not generally tied into my personal astrology, much, but I do pay attention to retrogrades!!!
    I'm so sorry you lost all your information … how frustrating! I hope it just reappears, completely intact, after the 10th. It sometimes works that way.
    Hang in, Sweet Sue!

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:09 pm

      I hear we are in for a general period of stuckness with various planetary retrogrades for about six months. You are so right about the knowing aspect! It allows us to rephrase our intentions so that they work well with the planets! Must pop over and visit Alicia and say Hi!

  • Reply Shirl November 2, 2013 at 9:34 am

    LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the new tote, Sue. Looks great with your outfit.

    Shirl- I voted today!

  • Reply Marla Robinson November 2, 2013 at 10:20 am

    What a wonderful tote.

  • Reply pastcaring November 2, 2013 at 11:13 am

    Your skills never cease to amaze me, Sue – the bag is another triumph! Loving the cute hat too, and yay, you're in a mini skirt! The shorter length shows off your lovely legs a treat!
    PS. Hope the ancestry you have mislaid isn't the Buckinghamshire contingent, Cousin Sue…xxx

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:06 pm

    Wah!!!! Yes, it's my Bucks heritage vanished…can you believe it!! I know I can rebuild the tree, but oh what a nuisance! And you're the one with the gorgeous gams in our family!

  • Reply Jo-Anne November 2, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    You're the best Sue! I definitely voted for you!! Love your blog 🙂

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 2, 2013 at 12:22 pm

      Jo-Anne! Thank you so much for the vote, and ten times more so for the sweet comment!

  • Reply Pam @Threading My Way November 2, 2013 at 2:44 pm

    Gorgeous, gorgeous bag, Sue!!! Love both the style and the text fabric. The contrasting brown is just perfect.

  • Reply Merche Martinez November 2, 2013 at 3:08 pm

    Mercury retrograde! It all makes sense now! A package that was sent to me a month ago never arrived, my car broke and my internet conection is acting weird. Are you sure it will pass after November the 10th?
    I love your bag, the colours you used and the shape. Really nice.
    You´ve got my vote!

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 3, 2013 at 8:37 am

      Oh My! You have had stuff going on Merche! Yes, after the 10th, things will become more balanced! Thanks for the vote!

  • Reply Barbara A Mizzoni Young November 2, 2013 at 3:18 pm

    Great information and it makes absolute sense, at least in my world. I love every item in your casual yet chic look. Heading over to vote once this post is done.

    Barbara @

  • Reply No fear of fashion November 3, 2013 at 3:28 am

    That bag is fantastic. So is the one you made for Super Online Sewing Bee. Such a careful meticulous stitching. I can sew a bit so I can appreciate this hard work. And they both turned out so beautiful. (This is why I have given up sewing: I can never predict how it will turn out and was disappointed a couple of times.). Lovely hat! It is always a joy to see your cheerful face when I come to your blog.
    Till next time.

  • Reply ann wood November 3, 2013 at 5:46 am

    Oh I do like your lovely bag. I so admire your skills as a seamstress! I like your thrifted sweater, good find. I also appreciate your fun pictures. Well done!

    blue hue wonderland

  • Reply dan November 3, 2013 at 8:07 am

    Hi, Sue. Once more you have just revealed your talent in sewing, and your bag is perfectly made.
    You look so cute and joyful in your first November's outfit!
    I have just voted for you, but I am not sure it will be a useful vote for you, because as far as I got, it was a competition only for Canadian blogger…

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 3, 2013 at 8:32 am

    Still on the hunt for some light weight knit tops such as ones you often wear.

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 3, 2013 at 8:35 am

    I absolutely understand what you're saying about finishing a sewing project and then being disappointed. Since getting back into sewing, I am trying to really assess if the pattern is right for me, and if the fabrication and print will work. Even with the pants I just made, I found the fit to be off; but I consoled myself with the fact that I am just finding my way again with sewing pants and finding the perfect pattern. I find that the Dressing Your Truth program really helps me to narrow down my fabric choices.

  • Reply josep-maria badia November 3, 2013 at 11:44 am

    I love the look.

  • Reply Rosy November 3, 2013 at 2:42 pm

    Love your smile! It illuminates all these pictures! That being said …. I also love your bag! It looks strong and safe, both beautiful, dear friend, you are very skilled. I will now vote for you, you deserve to win!

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 4, 2013 at 8:22 am

      Aw, thanks very much Rosy. I used the heavy duty thread, both for looks and practicality. I think it helped make a sturdy bag.

  • Reply Patti November 3, 2013 at 3:45 pm

    You made that tote? Fantastic, and so is your cozy look. I voted for you, natch. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday!

  • Reply Laurie November 3, 2013 at 6:29 pm

    Egads! What style! What talent! I noticed the bag immediately and scrolled down to see where you got it. Soooooo in awe of your amazing skills.

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 4, 2013 at 8:24 am

      Hey Laurie! I'm glad to hear my bag doesn't come off as looking too homemade, in a not good way. 🙂

  • Reply The Style Crone November 3, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    Sue, you are the essence of November in this beautifully composed ensemble. Love the background! And your newly hand crafted bag, which took me to handbag heaven too.

    Your wool felt hat perfectly frames your face and your lovely hair. Thank you for linking up with Hat Attack!

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 4, 2013 at 8:26 am

      Judith, what a delightful comment to read from you! I really appreciate your Hat Attack! It initially took me out of my comfort zone, but now I am scouting the thrift stores for Sue hats!

  • Reply Trina November 3, 2013 at 10:06 pm

    You just look like the cutest girl in the class (yep, an adorable school girl). Your little preppy outfit is simply right out of a magazine photo shoot, right? Well, you sure make a super model for a grown-up school girl look. It's that happy Sue again. And any girl or woman of any age would love to get her hands on that tote.

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 4, 2013 at 8:27 am

      Trina! Ah, you make me feel young again with your sweet comments. It's nice that you're back.

  • Reply Mrs C November 3, 2013 at 10:28 pm

    Now, I am seriously thinking about moving next to your house… you are a genius! Yet, here I am still struggling looking for a tailor that could alter my pants the way it is suppose to! The tote looks like you just snatch it from those little cute shops that sells pretty gifts and decorative items, you know the ones that smell so good and you can get lost in them for hours… you deserve my vote!


    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 4, 2013 at 8:29 am

      Mrs C, I would love to have you as a next door neighbour. You would, however, be seriously chilly here, :). I would have thought finding a good tailor to be straightforward in Dubai; hopefully he or she will turn up for you soon! I know exactly the stores you mean, and I'm so flattered you can imagine my bag being in one.

  • Reply A Matchy Matchy Midlife November 4, 2013 at 6:30 am

    Sue….bag question for you…did you just use folded triangles for the bottom shape or was the bottom a seperate piece??

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 4, 2013 at 8:34 am

    Alyssa, so nice to hear from you! The bag bottom is not a separate piece. And, how to explain? Imagine each of the two bag pieces as being a rectangular shape. The two bottom corners of each piece are cut out 2″ x 2″. Sew the two pieces together along the side seams. Then sew the bottom seam. Then pin the holes together, matching at the seams and sew. I can send you drawings, if this isn't clear.

  • Reply Ariane Lasalle November 4, 2013 at 8:45 am

    Allo Sue!

    I love your cheeky outfit – What can i say about this tote of yours? you are talented my dear friend!
    I'm crocheting hats these days and thinking of different embellishements for them, lots of fun to be creative –
    Tks for mentionning the Canadian Fashion Blogger awards, i doubt i will win, it will probably be one of those trendy perfect boring nymphet who will win – But it's ok, as long as i have fun this is what matters !

    Have a great week



    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 6, 2013 at 11:34 am

      Ah, dear Ariane, you have a fabulous blog, and a brave approach to personal style. The final decision is up to the judges, and you have a very good chance to win!

  • Reply Imogen November 5, 2013 at 10:43 pm

    Sue, my friend, this is an adorable look. I love everything about it. It all goes so well together. I especially love the hat and the bag. So sweet! You definitely deserve to win the title of best blogger for your category.

  • Reply Jean at November 6, 2013 at 1:22 pm

    I immediately recognized this fabulous bag from another post. Love it!! I should've known you were a CurlyGirl convert, too. It's great, isn't it. I will put in a vote for you, and for an undisclosed person in another category. I love all the Canadian energy here!!! XXOO

  • Reply Jean at November 6, 2013 at 1:25 pm

    I also meant to mention that I totally appreciated your comment about Mercury going retrograde. It all makes sense now!!!

  • Reply cleartheway November 6, 2013 at 6:17 pm

    I love this hat on you! I was just thinking about this style hat the other day and hoping I could pull it off… We'll see. Next time I find one, I'll just have to try it on!

    Kate from Clear the Way
    (I’m currently running a giveaway for some gorgeous jewelry, if you’re interested.)

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 7, 2013 at 10:16 am

    Hi Kate! Thanks so much for popping by and commenting. I say, go for it, and give the hat a try! Off to visit you now…

  • Reply Beata B November 7, 2013 at 12:31 pm

    I realy Laik your hat! You look fantastic:) kisses Beata

  • Reply Renae of Simple Sequins November 7, 2013 at 5:38 pm

    Just voted for you, dear friend! Thank you for your positive help toward Baby Z. He is still in the nicu but making progress hour by hour. The first day he would make progress and then slide back to many wrong issues then progress and slide back. The past 24 hours he has been on room air and his lung respirations have been in the normal range finally. If his lungs are clear tomorrow he can go home. If not 48 more hours in the nicu. They determined he has amniotic fluid in his lungs. He is a fighter. Photo on my blog now. Thank you!

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 7, 2013 at 11:24 pm

      Thanks Renae! And thanks for letting me know how your grandbaby is doing!! I was happy to see his photo on your blog!

  • Reply Melanie November 7, 2013 at 10:48 pm

    You got my vote! Fantastic bag – your sewing skills amaze me all the time. At first I thought you got your hat from Top Shop. Triple point score for thrifting it. It's wonderful. I don't have much luck with thrifting hats other than berets. I love your autumn setting too.

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 7, 2013 at 11:22 pm

    Thanks Melanie! I too find hats elusive; this one I found at Value Village in with the Hallowe'en costume-y hats. With the price tag gunned through right dead center front on the brim. I was able to finger press the hole out, but really! They do that to beautiful silk scarves too. Make a hole right in the middle of the scarf, instead of put the tag discreetly near an edge. Ah well. Such is life.

  • Reply Sacramento Amate November 7, 2013 at 11:45 pm

    My dear Sue, you look soooooooooooooo pretty just like a school girl.
    I can feel the autumn in your pics.
    Cute as a button, my dear friend.

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 10, 2013 at 6:25 pm

      I can honestly say that this course takes away the confusion! So, if you or Bear ever need a handbag to match…you may want to consider the class. Or, if you do it on your own, you can always email me if you hit a bump!

  • Reply Rachel November 8, 2013 at 4:04 am

    I've never successfully made a handbag or tote–you're right the construction is, at least for me, a little harder to wrap my mind around than the construction of a dress! Your new one looks like it turned out great!

  • Reply Rachel November 8, 2013 at 4:05 am

    I've never successfully made a handbag or tote–you're right the construction is, at least for me, a little harder to wrap my mind around than the construction of a dress! Your new one looks like it turned out great!

  • Reply Renae of Simple Sequins November 8, 2013 at 8:56 am

    Oh Sue, you are welcome! I appreciate your concern for little Baby Z. You warmed my heart.

    Thank you for linking with “Fashion item Friday”. Going to go vote for you again. yay!

  • Reply Renae of Simple Sequins November 8, 2013 at 8:57 am

    oops, dang, thought I could vote more, but nope. silly me.

  • Reply No fear of fashion November 9, 2013 at 9:36 am

    Very wise. I once had a perfect skirt suit “duplicated” by a seamstress but we chose a heavier fabric. Cost me quite some money and when it was finished I gave it straight to a friend who had curves. As the material was pulling down a bit, it made me look like a stick (I was thinner then, no curve in sight haha).

  • Reply Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! November 9, 2013 at 4:21 pm

    LOVE the kitty pin 🙂 I am a crazy cat lady.



  • Reply Caramella November 10, 2013 at 10:14 am

    You look so lovely! I just adore your hat! I am a new follower.

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 10, 2013 at 6:26 pm

      Caramella, such a beautiful name!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for following along. So very much appreciated.

  • Reply his_girl_friday November 10, 2013 at 5:57 pm

    The tote is cute, but I think that awesome hat upstages it!

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 10, 2013 at 6:24 pm

    Aw, thanks dearest Sacramento!

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 10, 2013 at 6:27 pm

    Thank you! I have to agree. The hat is so much fun!

  • Reply Emily November 11, 2013 at 12:18 pm

    That tote is adorable and I love the booties!

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 11, 2013 at 3:05 pm

      Thanks Emily! The one good thing about the end of summer is these booties! I love them so much!

  • Reply popcosmo November 12, 2013 at 4:58 am

    You MADE that? Your awesomeness never ceases to amaze me! Will definitely vote for you!!! And SO wish I had read this post about Mercury and retrograde and messing everything up!! It all makes sense now. I totally messed up our internet at home (UGGHHH) and my daughter (who blogs with me) has been having a hissy about her photos not working — which is basically her life. Sort of like you not being able to sew, or me being able eat chocolate. We all have our priorities.
    At least I know what to blame, and it wasn't me… it's Mercury. Thanks for the scapegoat!
    xo ~kim & chloe

  • Reply Jessica Cangiano November 12, 2013 at 9:43 am

    Oh-la-la! Now that's the kind of fabulously, elegantly lovely tote that I would happily haul with me wherever I went, too (it's far lovelier than the beige and black roots one I usually bring along if I need a back up bag to my vintage purse). This whole outfit is terrific! I just love the classic blend of denim, brown and beige, it really does seem perfectly suited to the second half of fall.

    Big hugs (and many thanks for your wonderfully nice blog comment today) from Penticton,
    ♥ Jessica

  • Reply dan November 12, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    Yes, yes. . . What I meant was that I am not sure an Italian blogger could vote!
    Sorry for my poor English, it will improve. . . sooner or later!!

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 16, 2013 at 10:22 pm

      Your English is great Dan! My good fortune to have you leaving such thoughtful comments!

  • Reply Heather Feather November 13, 2013 at 7:16 pm

    What an amazing bag! I love it! I love that script fabric you used! I've dreamed of using fabric like that!

  • Reply Wendy November 14, 2013 at 6:20 am

    Sue, every time I visit here I am in awe of your taste and talent… Gorgeous/ perfect!!! Seriously!!! And, you're into astrology, too?! Love it! Thank goodness Mercury ret has passed. The only thing worse is Venus retrograde. Whatever you do DON'T get your hair cut (or any other cosmetic type procedure) in those weeks. 🙂

    • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 16, 2013 at 10:19 pm

      Venus retrograde…hmmmm….probably anything to do with beauty. Thanks for the *heads* up Wendy!

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 16, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    We're in the clear now ladies!

  • Reply Sue @ A Colourful Canvas November 16, 2013 at 10:21 pm

    Now you've got me thinking about what kind of tote bags women carried in the forties. They probably didn't have any such accessory. Paper bags with handles from the stores, no doubt.

  • Reply Ray February 13, 2020 at 8:07 am

    My god Sue i had to leave a reply over here. Your clothes are so beautiful. Especially this post.
    And i hope you don’t mind that i say: “WOW what a beautifull legs”.

    Greetings Ray (from the Netherlands)

  • Reply DapperFam September 19, 2024 at 2:07 am

    Hey there! Things are going well, thanks for asking! Mercury retrograde can definitely be a challenge, especially with travel and communication. Losing family tree data sounds frustrating, but I love your plan to wait until mid-November to tackle it. It’s a great time for wrapping up loose ends—like garden clean-up! And of course, it’s also the perfect excuse to relax and sport your favorite gear. Speaking of which, I’ve found that everything is best paired with Stetson hats—perfect for both style and comfort during this retrograde period! Hope you get everything sorted soon!

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