And. Cue music.* Hawaiian ukele music that is. Aloha. Clearly. I am not in Maui. But my Maui Charlie Caftan has me feeling otherwise. My make today is the Charlie Caftan View A which is described as modern and architectural with striking pleats beneath the bust. This caftan was inspired by a comment on my recent Charlie Caftan View B here. My friend Greetje, of No Fear of Fashion complimented me sincerely and additionally said that she would hardly call it a caftan anymore…it was an easy, breezy summer dress. Greetje, of course, is absolutely correct. I did indeed tweak my caftan to the tipping point…it’s a lovely little dotty dress, no longer a caftan. Her comment got me musing…How true to a traditional caftan silhouette am I willing/wanting to go? wondered me. It was time for some homework and…
Hallo hallo people. Gosh. I can’t remember when I last wrote a bloggy award post. It’s been more than a hot minute, that’s for sure. The Mystery Blogger Tour has been weaving it’s way through the sewing community over the past few months and I’ve been quite enjoying learning more about my favourite bloggers. When the lovely Coco from Coco’s Loft nominated me to participate, I was 100% in. Here’s the award description: “Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious post. Their blog not only captivates, it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.” Created by: Okoto Enigma Eep….high…
Well hiya everyone. Last week’s speedy-ish post went okay. I did notice a couple of typos…one being that I wrote #2108MakeNine in my title…not sure where I’ll be in 90 years, but pretty sure it won’t be here. Although. If I hang around long enough to sew my stash… Speaking of titles, I made my very first Kalle Shirtdress a year ago and the post title was Easy, Breezy, Summery. And today’s Kalle? Also easy, breezy and summery. I love this silhouette right now…so much so that I’ve sewn the pattern twice in a matter of days. This dress is technically the second sew of the two, but I haven’t found the right buttons for the first. {translation…the buttons I just bought are not working} When I blogged my shirt version last autumn, I mentioned…
Hallo. Hallo. Popping in quickly…erm, we’ll see how wordy I end up being today; I may have to edit that statement…with another #2018MakeNine. Okay…for me summer is all about the dress. Breezy caftans, crisp shirt dresses, easy cotton t-shirt dresses. I love them all. That being said, there will always be a place in my summer wardrobe for pants. Does anybody else wear pants/trousers/capris in hot weather? I don’t wear them often…but I do like having the option of a summery pair of capris or cropped trousers. If I anticipate a super mobile day…maybe heavy on walking and stairs etc. Or my favourite, but not…a day taking public transit. I know. For a fact. My knee length dresses creep up the back of my thighs when I sit. When I see people wearing super…